
Sailing Instructions - Issued 04th February 2020


 The Regatta is organised by Regattas Asia under the auspices of the Phuket Yacht Club in conjunction with the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand and with the support of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Province of Phuket, the Province of Phang Nga and the Province of Krabi.

The Regatta will be held in and around the waters of Phuket, Phang Nga and Krabi, Thailand.

1.      RULES 

1.1               The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions.

1.2               If there is any conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, then the Sailing Instructions take precedence. (This changes Rule 63.7)

1.3               The rating rules for IRC (Parts 1, 2, and 3), and NHC as specified in the Notice of Race shall apply. 

1.4               The OMR Rule for Multihulls, modified to include an increased baggage allowance for “Live-a-board” yachts not using a “mother-ship” service.

1.5               The class rules for the Firefly 850 Sport and Platu 25 as specified in the Notice of Race shall apply.

1.6               The advertising on a boat or by its crew is permitted in accordance with the World Sailing Advertising Code Regulation 20. The Race Committee reserves the right to forbid items of advertising which may conflict with the regatta’s sponsors, or in any way offend Thai laws or customs by their nature.

1.7               The Bay Regatta and, as authorized by The Bay Regatta, its agents, sponsors, licensees and other commercial partners may use event-related still images and footage taken at any time, which may include images of competitors, their boats, support vessels, crew and sponsors, provided that The Bay Regatta shall not use such images to create a direct endorsement by a sponsor, product or service associated with a competitor, without the prior consent of the competitor. 

1.8               All participating boats shall comply with the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations for Inshore Racing. Boats shall comply with their class safety regulations, sail limitations and other regulations where they differ from World Sailing Special Regulations. [NP]

1.9               All Boats shall carry a working marine band VHF transceiver. [NP]

1.10            RRS 52, Manual Power, shall not apply for yachts racing in the Multihull or Cruising Classes. 

a)    The use of stored power for the hoisting of mainsails, or the reefing or furling of sails need not be declared. 

b)    Multihull Boats using stored power for the adjustment or operation of running rigging shall declare this to the OMR Rating Authority. 

1.11            No National prescriptions shall apply. 

1.12            References herein to a Rule or Appendix are to the RRS or its Appendices unless otherwise stated. 


2.1               All boats shall carry an identifying sail number of at least 2 digits on the mainsail [NP]


3.1               Notices to competitors shall be available from the committee and will be announced at parties.


4.1               Any intended changes to the Sailing Instructions will be announced at parties, the day before it will take effect, and will include any change to the schedule of races.

4.2               To alert boats on the water that late changes to the Sailing Instructions have been made, Flag ‘L’ will be displayed on the starting vessel and information passed by VHF radio by general announcement.


5.1               The Schedule of Races for each class will consist of 4 days racing.

5.2               A maximum of 5 races are scheduled for all classes

5.3               The written description of the course will take precedence over the diagram.

5.4               The scheduled time of the first warning signal for each day will be as follows:


5.5               The course to be sailed and approximate compass bearing of the first leg will be displayed shortly after the warning signal. The class for which the course is being displayed will be indicated by the display of a course board representing the class flag together with the course. This changes RRS 27.1. 

5.6               The race committee may also announce the course number for all classes on VHF Channel 72 before the warning signal.

5.7               The race committee may change a course if the weather circumstances are not suitable for the scheduled course. The change will be signalled by the display of flag C, 15 minutes prior to the first warning signal or the removal of “AP”. The race committee may also announce the changes on VHF Channel 72 prior to the warning signal.

5.8               When more than one race for a class will be held on the same day, the warning signal for each succeeding race will be made as soon as practicable. To alert boats that another race will begin soon, the postponement signal will be displayed before the warning signal is displayed. 

5.9               To alert boats that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, the orange starting line flag will be displayed with one sound for at least five minutes before a warning signal is made.

5.10            The order of starting for all Races will be announced on the day by VHF.

5.11            If none of the prepared courses are suitable for the wind conditions a new course for the day may be described by VHF radio from the committee vessel at the start.


6.1               The class/division flags will be:


  6.2               These flags will be used as the warning signal and need not be flown by competitors.

7           MARKS and GATES

7.1               The marks of the course will be inflatable buoys, or an island or landmark as identified in the course description and diagrams.

7.2               Gates will be between a committee vessel and a buoy, or an island as indicated in the course description. Boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous mark. 

7.3               The starting mark will be a checked Inflatable buoy, which may display sponsors logos. 

7.4               The finishing marks for all courses will be as indicated SI 9.

8           THE START 

8.1               Races will be started by using RRS 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal.

8.2               The starting line for courses except 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 will be between an orange flag on the starting vessel at the starboard end and the port end starting mark, or a staff displaying an orange flag on a race committee vessel. 

8.3               The starting line for courses 7,8,10 and 11, will be between an orange flag on the starting vessel at the starboard end and the nearest point of land of Ko Ya Man, or a staff displaying an orange flag on a race committee vessel. 

8.4               The starting line for course 9 and 12, will be between an orange flag on the starting vessel at the Port end and the nearest point of land of Ko Ya Man, or a staff displaying an orange flag on a race committee vessel.

8.5               Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races. [NP}

8.6               If any part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line during the two minutes before her starting signal and she is identified, the race committee will attempt to broadcast her sail number on VHF channel 72. Failure to make a broadcast or to time it accurately will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).  

9           THE FINISH

9.1               The finishing line for course 1, will be between an orange flag on the finishing vessel at the Port end and the course side of the starboard-end finishing mark. 

9.2               For courses 2,2A,3,7,8 and 9. The finishing line will be between the orange flag on the finishing vessel and the nearest point of land at the island indicated in the course description.

9.3               For courses 10,11,12. The finishing line will be a transit line between the east most tip of Ko Lon and the Navigation Mark (White Tower) situated on the Reef in-front of the Marine Biological Centre at the Entrance to Ao Chalong. If a finishing vessel is on station, boats must pass between the finishing vessel and the Navigation Mark.

9.4               The finishing line for courses 4,5,6,13,14,15,16,17,18 will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the finishing vessel at the Starboard end and the course side of the port-end finishing 

9.5               If the course is shortened or finished at an island or point of land, the Race Committee may lay a finishing mark just offshore to indicate the finishing line. Boats shall finish between the mark and the Committee Vessel. Where there is no mark, the finish line shall be between the Committee vessel and the nearest point of land.

9.6               If the race committee is absent when a boat finishes, she should report her finishing time and her position in relation to nearby boats, to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.

9.7               A committee vessel used for finishing may hold position using her engines.


10.1            For all classes RSS 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty. 


11.1            The absolute time limit for all courses except 10,11 and 12 will be 16.30 hrs. This changes RRS 35 and A4 and A5.

11.2            The absolute time limit for courses 10,11 & 12 will be 15.30 hrs. This changes RRS 35 and A4 and A5.

11.3            Individual Time Limits for Courses 1 – 9 --- Boats failing to finish within 1.5 hours after the second boat in their class, sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish without a hearing. This changes RRS 35, A4 and A5. 

11.4            Courses 13 - 18 --- 2.5 hours. Boats failing to finish within 1 hour after the second boat in their class sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF). This changes RRS 35, A4 and A5

11.5            The Race Committee may shorten a course at any gate, mark or island specified in the course description, by a Committee Vessel (when the committee vessel may hold position using her engines) displaying flag S and the relevant Class Flag(s) if necessary. Boats shall finish by passing between the Committee Vessel and the nearby mark of the course or a nearby clearance mark (if laid) as described in Sailing Instruction 9.5, from the direction of the last mark. This changes RRS 32.2

11.6            The shortened course may be signalled after the first boat has crossed the finish line. This changes RRS 32.2.

11.7            If a Committee vessel, stationed at a mark, island or gate indicated in the course directions displays Code Flag R and a Class Flag, then boats in the indicated class shall complete the current rounding, passing or gate as described in the course directions and then race directly to the described finish line. 

11.8            The Race Committee may at its absolute discretion award finishing times/points (FPA) to boats finishing outside the time limits in a class. Boats who are informed of this decision shall immediately return to the start area, if there is a second race, or return ashore if that was their last race of the day. This changes RRS 35, A4 and A5

11.9            When less than 50% (or no boats) of a class finish within the required time limit, the Race Committee may use their discretion under SI 11.8 (FPA) and award scores to some or all of the class. The Race Committee may use the times that all boats passed a previous mark. This changes RRS 32.1, 35. [NP]


12.1            Protests are not encouraged, but if absolutely necessary shall be made in writing to the Race Officer no later than 1700 hrs on the same day as the infringement. This changes RRS 61.3

12.2            Sailing instructions marked [NP] shall not be subject to protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a). 

12.3            Unless otherwise prescribed in the Notice of Race or these Sailing Instructions, The Protest Committee may apply any  penalty, including no penalty, for a breach of a rule. This changes RRS 64.1.

13         SCORING 

13.1            For all classes, two races are required to be completed to constitute a series.

13.2            When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores 

13.3            When 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score. 


14.1            When ever possible, a Race Committee Flag shall be displayed by official committee vessels.



15.1            Radio communications between boats and the Race Committee will be carried out on VHF Channel 72. All boats shall carry a working marine VHF radio, which shall be turned on and monitored throughout racing.

15.2            The following communications may be made by the race committee using the designated VHF Channel in addition to any Race Signals. This changes RRS 29, 32, 33 and 41.

(a)             Courses, including the bearing and distance to the first mark.

(b)             Start Sequences

(c)         Postponements and abandonments.

(d)        Boats identified as OCS and general recalls.

(e)         Changing courses or marks and identify marks

(f)         Shortening the Course

(g)         Time limits

(h)        Safety 


15.3            In addition to the requirements of RRS 29.1 an announcement of boats observed by the Race Officer to be OCS may be broadcasted on the starting frequency as specified in SI 15.1 as soon as possible. This changes RRS 29.1

15.4            Except in an emergency, a boat that is racing shall not make voice or data transmissions and shall not receive voice or data communication that is not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. [NP]

15.5            Prior to and during each start sequence announcements may be made indicating which classes are in a starting procedure.

15.6            Radio communication by the Race Committee is provided as a courtesy to competitors. Any radio communication by the race committee misnaming or naming of boats or their numbers, colour, designs, shapes or other identification cannot be used as evidence in any redress or protest. This changes RRS 62.1(a)

16         RETIRING

16.1            Boats that retire during a race shall advise the race committee, by radio, or hail before leaving the race area. Refer to SI 15-VHF radio communication. This is a safety requirement. [NP]

17         PRIZES

17.1            The following principal prizes for the Bay Regatta will be awarded in each class.

1st Place                      1st Prize trophy
2nd Place                     2nd Prize trophy
3rd Place                      3rd Prize trophy           


Rule 4 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone." 

Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:

(a)        They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;

(b)        They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore;

(c)         They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions;

(d)        Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;

(e)        The provision of a race management team, patrol boats and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities

(f)         The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;

(g)        It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risks specific to this venue or this event drawn to their attention in any rules and information produced for the venue or event and to attend any safety briefing held for the event;

(h)        They are responsible for ensuring that their boat is equipped and seaworthy so as to be able to face extremes of weather; that there is a crew sufficient in number, experience and fitness to withstand such weather; and that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and is familiar to the crew.